Medical Billing Experts with YOU in Mind
Did you know?
Approximately 20%* of medical claims result in a denial or were processed incorrectly, often leaving the patient financially responsible. These unexpected medical costs can result in financial hardships for many patients, especially those with limited incomes.

Ways Patient Billing Advocates
Help You
Analyze Your Medical Bills
They can spot errors, duplicate and unreasonable charges.
Evaluate Insurance Payments
They can determine if your insurance company has paid correctly and question if they have not.
Make Appeals on Your Behalf
They work on your behalf to appeal health insurance claim denials.
Negotiate to Reduce Your Bill
Sometimes they are able to negotiate with doctors and hospitals to decrease your bill.
Medical Billing Experts with YOU in Mind!
Patient Billing Advocates serve as liaisons between the patient and his/her insurance company, healthcare provider(s) and/or collection agencies to resolve unexpected medical debt.
Patient Advocacy Solutions (“PAS”) partners with Patient Advocates and works with them to give you the best results possible. If you think you need a patient billing advocate, please click here and complete our request form so we can connect you with a Patient Advocate.
Our team consists of certified medical billing experts with over 20 years of administrative, financial and clinical experience in the medical field, which gives us an advantage since we have an extensive understanding of how the rendered services are translated to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Real Life Benefits of Hiring an Advocate
75% Savings on Heart Monitor
Teresa* went to the cardiologist that was in-network with her insurance. During her visit the doctor ordered a heart monitor to track her heart rhythm over a period of two weeks. About a month later she received a bill from the heart monitor company for nearly $2000.00 because the service was denied by her insurance company as being out-of- network. PAS was able to work with the practice manager from the cardiologist’s office where it was discovered that their staff made an error with using this particular vendor. According to the office manager, they already had a policy and procedure in place within the practice that instructed staff to send patients with her type of insurance to the hospital for monitors because the hospital was in-network with her insurance plan. Since this was an error on behalf of the practice, the practice manager was able to assist with working with the heart monitor company and they wrote off nearly 75% of the bill.
*Name has been replaced to protect the patient’s identity
Saves Hundreds on PSA Test
Keith* had a blood test ordered by his doctor called a PSA to test for the prostate-specific antigen. If this antigen measurement meets a certain level, it can be an indicator of prostate cancer. His insurance carrier allows this service to be performed annually as a preventive measure, which he had earlier in the year. Additional testing throughout the year is only allowed if the patient is having signs and/or symptoms. In Keith’s case, he had already had his annual screening and was now having specific medically necessary symptoms. The lab sent Keith a bill for this test because he had already had his annual screening. PAS was able to determine how the service was coded and provided guidance to the physician’s office on the correct way to bill for this service. Ultimately resulting in the claim being reprocessed correctly and saving Keith hundreds of dollars.
*Name has been replaced to protect the patient’s identity
Saves Thousands on Chemo
Rebecca* was receiving chemotherapy for her breast cancer and unfortunately her cancer was not responding to the first line chemotherapy treatment that she was receiving. Therefore, the physician changed her chemo regimen to a different drug that had shown to be effective in a clinical trial. Unfortunately, the insurance claim for this new drug was denied as not being medically necessary. PAS was able to assist the patient by appealing the claim with the insurance company, in which it was overturned and processed for payment, saving Rebecca thousands of dollars.
*Name has been replaced to protect the patient’s identity